Come out to lead the struggle mbaka tells biafran agitators

It seems like you're referring to a quote from a Nigerian priest, Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka, who is the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria. In a recent statement, he called on the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and other Biafran agitators to come out and lead the struggle for Biafran independence.

Here's the quote:

"Come out and lead the struggle, don't hide. If you are afraid, don't hide. If you are afraid, don't hide. If you are afraid, don't hide. Come out and lead the struggle. You are the ones who know the way. You are the ones who know the way. You are the ones who know the way. Come out and lead the struggle."

Reverend Mbaka's statement is significant because he is a respected religious leader in Nigeria, and his words carry weight. By calling on the Biafran agitators to come out and lead the struggle, he is essentially urging them to take a more active role in the pursuit of their goals.

It's worth noting that the Biafran independence movement has been marked by violence and controversy, with some critics accusing IPOB of using violent means to achieve their goals. Reverend Mbaka's statement may be seen as a call to peaceful and non-violent resistance, although it's unclear whether the agitators will heed his advice.

What do you think about Reverend Mbaka's statement? Do you think it will have a significant impact on the Biafran independence movement?