Collage maker of news paper for toddler

What a great idea! Here are some fun and easy ways to create a collage maker for toddlers using newspaper:



  1. Prepare the newspaper: Cut the newspaper into small squares or strips, making it easier for toddlers to handle and glue.
  2. Create a base: Provide a piece of construction paper or cardboard as a base for the collage. This will help keep the newspaper pieces from getting mixed up and make it easier for toddlers to glue them down.
  3. Glue the newspaper: Demonstrate how to apply a small amount of glue to the back of a newspaper piece and attach it to the base. Encourage toddlers to do the same.
  4. Add embellishments: Offer stickers, stamps, or markers for toddlers to add extra details to their collage.
  5. Encourage creativity: Let toddlers explore and create their own collage by gluing newspaper pieces onto the base. They can make patterns, shapes, or even create a simple story.
  6. Display the artwork: Once the collage is complete, display it proudly! You can also use a laminator or clear contact paper to protect the artwork and make it easier to clean.

Tips and Variations:


Remember to always supervise your toddler during this activity and provide guidance and support as needed. Encourage them to experiment and have fun!