Cnn student news may 11 2018

Here are the top stories from CNN Student News for May 11, 2018:

Top Story: NASA's InSight Lander Lands on Mars

NASA's InSight Lander successfully landed on Mars on Monday, marking the first time a spacecraft has touched down on the Red Planet since 2012. The lander will study the Martian interior and help scientists better understand the planet's formation and evolution.

Story 2: Trump Administration Proposes Changes to Endangered Species Act

The Trump administration has proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act, which could make it harder to protect threatened and endangered species. The proposed changes include removing protections for species that are no longer considered endangered and allowing economic factors to be considered when making decisions about species conservation.

Story 3: California Wildfires Continue to Spread

Wildfires continue to rage in California, with thousands of acres burned and hundreds of homes destroyed. The fires have forced thousands of people to evacuate and have caused widespread damage to the state's natural resources.

Story 4: New Study Reveals Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Supply

A new study has found that climate change is having a significant impact on global food supplies, with many crops experiencing reduced yields and altered growing seasons. The study warns that these changes could have devastating consequences for food security and the global economy.

Story 5: High School Student Wins National Science Fair

A high school student from California has won the top prize at the Intel Science Talent Search, a prestigious national science fair. The student's project, which focused on developing a new treatment for cancer, was chosen from among thousands of entries from students across the country.

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