Cnn exclusive grand jury subpoenas issued in fbis russia investigation

According to a CNN exclusive report, grand jury subpoenas have been issued in the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. Here are the key points:

  1. Grand jury subpoenas issued: The FBI has issued grand jury subpoenas to several individuals and entities, including some with ties to the Trump campaign, as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
  2. Russia's role in election interference: The investigation is focused on Russia's efforts to influence the election, including hacking into the Democratic National Committee's servers and releasing stolen emails to damage Hillary Clinton's campaign.
  3. Trump campaign's potential involvement: The subpoenas are also seeking information about potential involvement by the Trump campaign in Russia's efforts to influence the election. This includes allegations of collusion between Trump campaign officials and Russian agents.
  4. Subpoenas target multiple individuals and entities: The subpoenas have been issued to a range of individuals and entities, including:
    • Paul Manafort: Trump's former campaign chairman, who has been under investigation for his ties to Ukraine and Russia.
    • Rick Gates: Manafort's former business partner, who has also been under investigation.
    • Michael Flynn: Trump's former national security adviser, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials.
    • Roger Stone: A longtime Trump associate and political operative, who has been accused of lying to Congress about his contacts with WikiLeaks.
    • The Trump Organization: The Trump family's business empire, which has been subpoenaed for documents related to its dealings with Russia.
  5. Investigation ongoing: The investigation is ongoing, and the FBI is still gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses. The grand jury subpoenas are a significant development in the investigation, as they indicate that the FBI is building a case against individuals and entities involved in the alleged conspiracy.
  6. No charges filed yet: Despite the issuance of grand jury subpoenas, no charges have been filed in connection with the investigation. The FBI is still gathering evidence and building its case before deciding whether to bring charges.

It's worth noting that the investigation is ongoing, and the FBI is still gathering evidence and building its case. The issuance of grand jury subpoenas is a significant development, but it's unclear what charges, if any, will ultimately be filed.