Closest airport to new international airport platov

The closest airport to the new International Airport Platov (RVI) in Rostov-on-Don, Russia is:

  1. Rostov-on-Don Airport (ROV) - approximately 10 km (6.2 miles) from Platov Airport

Rostov-on-Don Airport is a smaller airport that currently serves domestic flights, but it's expected to be replaced by Platov Airport as the main airport in the region. Platov Airport is a new, modern airport that opened in 2017 and is designed to handle international flights.

Other nearby airports include:

  1. Krasnodar International Airport (KRR) - approximately 120 km (75 miles) from Platov Airport
  2. Sochi International Airport (AER) - approximately 220 km (137 miles) from Platov Airport

Please note that the distances were calculated using Google Maps and may vary depending on the route taken.