Citizen news

Citizen News is a Hong Kong-based online news organization that was founded in 2015. It is known for its investigative reporting and coverage of social and political issues in Hong Kong and beyond.

Citizen News was founded by a group of journalists who were dissatisfied with the lack of transparency and accountability in the Hong Kong media industry. The organization's founders believed that the traditional media outlets in Hong Kong were often beholden to powerful interests and did not provide adequate coverage of important issues.

Citizen News has gained a reputation for its in-depth reporting on a range of topics, including corruption, human rights, and social justice. The organization has also been critical of the Hong Kong government and has exposed cases of government corruption and abuse of power.

In 2020, Citizen News was forced to shut down its operations after the Hong Kong government revoked its operating license. The government claimed that the organization had failed to comply with certain regulations, but many observers believed that the real reason for the shutdown was the government's desire to silence a critical voice.

Despite the shutdown, Citizen News continues to operate as an online news organization, and its journalists continue to report on important issues in Hong Kong and beyond. The organization has also received international support and recognition, including awards from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and the Global Investigative Journalism Network.

Some of the notable investigations and reports by Citizen News include:

Overall, Citizen News is a respected and influential news organization that has made significant contributions to the field of investigative journalism. Despite the challenges it has faced, the organization continues to report on important issues and hold those in power accountable.