Christopher lombardi payroll manager greater new york city area

I couldn't find any specific information on a Christopher Lombardi who is a Payroll Manager in the Greater New York City area. However, I can suggest some ways you could try to find more information about him:

  1. Check online directories: You can try searching online directories such as LinkedIn, Crunchbase, or ZoomInfo to see if Christopher Lombardi has a profile. You can also try searching for his name along with keywords like "payroll manager" or "Greater New York City area" to see if he comes up in search results.
  2. Check company websites: If you know which company Christopher Lombardi works for, you can try checking their website to see if he is listed as a payroll manager. You can also try searching for the company's contact information and reaching out to them directly to ask about Christopher Lombardi.
  3. Check professional associations: Christopher Lombardi may be a member of professional associations such as the American Payroll Association (APA) or the National Association of Payroll Professionals (NAPP). You can try searching for his name on these websites to see if he is listed as a member.
  4. Check social media: You can try searching for Christopher Lombardi on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to see if he has a profile. You can also try searching for his name along with keywords like "payroll manager" or "Greater New York City area" to see if he comes up in search results.

I hope these suggestions are helpful!