Chief of defence staff unveil new boko haram

I think there may be some confusion here.

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is the highest-ranking military officer in a country's armed forces, responsible for overseeing the military's operations and strategy. It's unlikely that the CDS would "unveil" a new Boko Haram, as Boko Haram is a terrorist organization that has been responsible for numerous attacks and human rights abuses in Nigeria and the surrounding region.

Boko Haram is a real and dangerous terrorist group that has been active since 2009, and it's not something that can be "unveiled" or created by a military officer or any other individual. The group's activities have caused immense harm and suffering to countless people, and it's important to recognize the gravity of the situation and work towards finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict.

If you have any further information or context about what you're referring to, I'd be happy to help clarify things for you.