Chelsea need improve compete man city united conte

A great topic!

Chelsea FC, under the management of Thomas Tuchel, have been struggling to compete with the top teams in the Premier League, including Manchester City and Manchester United. Here are some areas where Chelsea need to improve to close the gap:

  1. Consistency: Chelsea have been inconsistent this season, with some impressive wins followed by disappointing losses. They need to find a way to maintain their performance levels throughout the season.
  2. Defensive solidity: Chelsea's defense has been shaky at times, conceding goals from set pieces and open play. They need to improve their defensive organization and reduce the number of goals they concede.
  3. Midfield control: Chelsea's midfield has been a problem area, with too much reliance on individual brilliance rather than cohesive team play. They need to improve their midfield control, winning the battle for possession and creating more chances.
  4. Attacking depth: Chelsea's attack has been reliant on a few key players, such as Romelu Lukaku and Kai Havertz. They need to develop more attacking options and create more scoring opportunities.
  5. Set piece defending: Chelsea have struggled to defend set pieces, including corners and free kicks. They need to improve their marking and organization to prevent conceding goals from these situations.
  6. Fitness and conditioning: Chelsea's players have been struggling with injuries and fatigue, which has affected their performance. They need to improve their fitness and conditioning to maintain a high level of performance throughout the season.
  7. Tactical flexibility: Chelsea have been playing a 3-4-3 formation, but they need to be able to adapt to different situations and opponents. They should be able to switch to a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 formation to suit the game.
  8. Goalkeeper distribution: Chelsea's goalkeeper, Edouard Mendy, has been excellent, but his distribution has been a problem. He needs to improve his ability to distribute the ball effectively to start counter-attacks.
  9. Winger support: Chelsea's wingers, such as Christian Pulisic and Callum Hudson-Odoi, have been struggling to provide width and support to the attack. They need to improve their delivery and provide more crosses into the box.
  10. Mental toughness: Chelsea have been struggling with mental toughness, particularly in big games. They need to develop a stronger mentality to handle the pressure and perform under intense scrutiny.

By addressing these areas, Chelsea can improve their performance and become a more competitive team in the Premier League, capable of challenging Manchester City and Manchester United for the title.