Cheap flights nine news

Here are some tips on how to find cheap flights, as reported by Nine News:

  1. Be flexible with your travel dates: Flying on off-peak days, such as Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, can often result in cheaper fares.
  2. Book in advance: The earlier you book, the better your chances of snagging a cheap flight. Aim to book at least 21 days in advance.
  3. Use budget airlines: Low-cost carriers like Jetstar, Tigerair, and Virgin Australia can offer significantly cheaper fares than major airlines.
  4. Compare prices: Use online travel agencies like Expedia, Skyscanner, or Kayak to compare prices across different airlines and find the best deals.
  5. Consider alternative airports: If you have multiple airport options, check prices for each airport to see if you can find a cheaper flight.
  6. Look for error fares: Keep an eye out for mistake fares, which can be significantly cheaper than usual. These fares are usually only available for a short period, so act fast!
  7. Use your points: If you have accumulated frequent flyer points, consider using them to book your flight or upgrade to a higher class.
  8. Avoid peak travel seasons: Flying during peak periods, such as school holidays or summer, can result in higher fares.
  9. Clear your cookies: Some airlines and online travel agencies use cookies to track your browsing history and increase prices if they see you're interested in a particular flight. Clearing your cookies can help you avoid this price hike.
  10. Consider a layover: Non-stop flights are often more expensive than flights with layovers. If you're not in a hurry, a layover might be a cheaper option.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding a cheap flight and saving some money on your next trip.