Channel 24 news prank

The infamous Channel 24 news prank!

For those who may not know, Channel 24 is a popular South African news channel, and in 2015, they fell victim to a clever prank by a group of students from the University of Cape Town.

The prank involved a fake news report about a "zombie outbreak" in the city, complete with fake footage of people running and screaming in the streets. The report was presented by a serious-looking news anchor, who delivered the "news" with a completely straight face.

The prank was so convincing that many viewers believed it to be real, and it quickly went viral on social media. The news channel was flooded with calls and messages from concerned citizens, asking about the "zombie outbreak" and seeking information on how to stay safe.

The prank was eventually revealed to be a hoax, and the news channel issued an apology for the confusion. However, the prank has since become a legendary example of the power of social media and the importance of fact-checking in the age of fake news.

Here's the original video of the prank:

[Video: Channel 24 News Prank - Zombie Outbreak]

It's worth noting that the prank was not meant to be malicious or harmful, but rather a clever and humorous way to poke fun at the seriousness of traditional news reporting.