Challenging times must not surrender cynicism kukah

I think there may be a small typo there! I'm assuming you meant to say "Kukah" as in Matthew Kukah, a Nigerian Catholic bishop known for his outspoken views on social and political issues.

In any case, I completely agree with your sentiment. Challenging times indeed require us to hold on to hope and optimism, rather than succumbing to cynicism. Cynicism can be a tempting response to adversity, but it can also lead to a sense of hopelessness and disengagement.

As Bishop Kukah has often emphasized, it's precisely in times of crisis that we need to draw on our deepest values and principles to guide us towards a more just and compassionate society. By staying grounded in our values and refusing to give in to cynicism, we can work towards creating positive change and building a better future for all.

So, I'd like to echo your sentiment: challenging times must not surrender to cynicism. Instead, let us draw on our resilience, our compassion, and our commitment to justice and equality to navigate these difficult times and emerge stronger and more united than ever.