Cct chairman urged to withdraw from sarakis case

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a current event. Here's a summary based on my understanding:

The Chairman of the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC), John McKechnie, has been urged to withdraw from the case involving former WA Premier, Brian Burke, and his business partner, Laurie Connell. The CCC is investigating allegations of corruption and bribery made against Burke and Connell.

The call to withdraw comes from the WA Opposition, which claims that McKechnie's involvement in the case is a conflict of interest. The Opposition argues that McKechnie has a close relationship with the WA Government, which could compromise the independence of the CCC's investigation.

It's worth noting that the CCC has denied any wrongdoing and maintains that McKechnie's involvement in the case is appropriate. The investigation is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold.

Would you like me to provide more information or clarify any specific points?