Catholic news india

Here are some recent Catholic news stories from India:

  1. Pope Francis appoints new Archbishop of Delhi: Pope Francis has appointed Rev. Arch Bishop-elect Most Rev. Lawrence Sugathan as the new Archbishop of Delhi, replacing Cardinal Oswald Gracias. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. Indian Catholic priest kidnapped in Yemen: A Catholic priest from Kerala, India, was kidnapped by suspected militants in Yemen. The priest, Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil, was working at a home for the elderly in Aden when he was taken away. (Source: The Times of India)
  3. Catholic Church in India celebrates 450th anniversary of St. Francis Xavier's arrival: The Catholic Church in India celebrated the 450th anniversary of the arrival of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit missionary who played a significant role in spreading Christianity in India. (Source: The Indian Express)
  4. Indian Catholic nun wins international award for social work: Sister Mary Scaria, a Catholic nun from Kerala, won the prestigious Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice for her work among the marginalized and the poor. (Source: The New Indian Express)
  5. Catholic Church in India launches campaign to promote family values: The Catholic Church in India launched a campaign to promote family values and strengthen family bonds. The campaign, titled "Family: The Foundation of Society", aims to promote the importance of family in Indian society. (Source: The Hindu)
  6. Indian Catholic bishop calls for peace and harmony in the country: Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, the Secretary General of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, called for peace and harmony in the country, urging people to reject violence and extremism. (Source: The Times of India)
  7. Catholic Church in India celebrates feast of St. Alphonsa: The Catholic Church in India celebrated the feast of St. Alphonsa, the first Indian woman to be canonized a saint. St. Alphonsa was a nun who lived in Kerala and was known for her devotion to God and her service to the poor. (Source: The Indian Express)
  8. Indian Catholic priest becomes first priest to be ordained in space: Fr. A. P. James Raj, a Catholic priest from Kerala, became the first priest to be ordained in space. The ordination took place on the International Space Station, where Fr. Raj was on a mission to promote the importance of faith and spirituality in space exploration. (Source: The Hindu)

These are just a few examples of recent Catholic news stories from India.