Car wrapping advertising in new zealand

Car wrapping advertising in New Zealand is a popular and effective way to promote a business or brand. Here are some key points to consider:


  1. Cost-effective: Car wrapping is a cost-effective way to advertise, especially compared to traditional methods like billboards or print ads.
  2. Targeted audience: Car wrapping allows you to target a specific audience, such as commuters, students, or professionals, depending on the location and type of vehicle.
  3. Long-term exposure: A wrapped car can generate thousands of impressions over a long period, making it a great way to build brand awareness.
  4. Flexibility: Car wrapping can be used for short-term or long-term campaigns, and can be easily removed or updated.

Types of car wrapping:

  1. Full wrap: A full wrap covers the entire vehicle, including the roof, sides, and rear.
  2. Partial wrap: A partial wrap covers a specific section of the vehicle, such as the sides or rear.
  3. Decal: A decal is a smaller, removable sticker that can be applied to a specific area of the vehicle.

Popular locations for car wrapping in New Zealand:

  1. Auckland: With its high population density and busy roads, Auckland is a prime location for car wrapping.
  2. Wellington: The capital city's compact size and high foot traffic make it an ideal location for car wrapping.
  3. Christchurch: With its growing population and busy roads, Christchurch is a great location for car wrapping.
  4. University towns: Cities like Dunedin, Palmerston North, and Hamilton have high concentrations of students, making them great locations for car wrapping.


  1. Vehicle registration: Make sure the wrapped vehicle is registered and compliant with New Zealand's vehicle registration regulations.
  2. Insurance: Check with your insurance provider to ensure that car wrapping is covered under your policy.
  3. Local council regulations: Check with your local council to ensure that car wrapping is allowed in your area.

Car wrapping companies in New Zealand:

  1. Wrapstars: Based in Auckland, Wrapstars offers car wrapping, vehicle branding, and design services.
  2. Car Wrap NZ: With offices in Auckland and Wellington, Car Wrap NZ provides car wrapping, vehicle branding, and advertising solutions.
  3. Signcraft: Based in Christchurch, Signcraft offers car wrapping, sign making, and graphic design services.


The cost of car wrapping in New Zealand can vary depending on the size of the vehicle, the complexity of the design, and the location. On average, a full wrap can cost between $2,000 to $5,000, while a partial wrap can cost between $500 to $2,000.

Overall, car wrapping is a great way to advertise your business or brand in New Zealand, offering a cost-effective and targeted way to reach your audience.