Can i work in new without license

I'm assuming you're asking if you can work in New York (NY) without a license.

The answer depends on the type of work you're interested in and the specific requirements of that profession in New York State.

In general, many professions in New York require a license or certification to practice. These licenses are typically issued by the New York State Department of State's Division of Licensing Services or other state agencies.

Here are a few examples of professions that may require a license in New York:

  1. Healthcare professionals: Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals need licenses to practice in New York.
  2. Financial professionals: Stockbrokers, insurance agents, and accountants may need licenses to practice in New York.
  3. Real estate professionals: Real estate agents and brokers need licenses to practice in New York.
  4. Lawyers: Attorneys need licenses to practice law in New York.
  5. Teachers: Teachers in New York public schools need certifications to teach.

However, there are some professions that may not require a license in New York, such as:

  1. Retail workers: Sales associates, cashiers, and other retail workers typically do not need licenses to work in retail stores.
  2. Food service workers: Servers, bartenders, and other food service workers typically do not need licenses to work in restaurants and bars.
  3. Construction workers: Construction workers, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, may not need licenses to work on construction sites, but may need certifications or permits.
  4. IT professionals: IT professionals, such as software developers, network administrators, and cybersecurity specialists, may not need licenses to work in IT, but may need certifications or degrees.

If you're unsure whether you need a license to work in a specific profession in New York, I recommend checking with the New York State Department of State's Division of Licensing Services or the relevant state agency for that profession.