Call of duty ww2 new update

You're referring to the latest update for Call of Duty: WWII!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the latest update for Call of Duty: WWII was released on March 12, 2020, and it brought several new features and improvements to the game. Here are some of the key changes:

New Multiplayer Maps:

  1. Operation Husky: A new map set in the Mediterranean, inspired by the Allied invasion of Sicily during World War II.
  2. Operation Overlord: A new map set in Normandy, France, inspired by the D-Day landings.

New War Mode Mission:

  1. Operation Husky: A new War Mode mission that takes players through the Allied invasion of Sicily.

New Zombies Map:

  1. The Darkest Shore: A new Zombies map set in the Mediterranean, featuring a new storyline and gameplay mechanics.

Gameplay Changes:

  1. Improved AI: Enemies in Multiplayer and Zombies modes have been improved to be more aggressive and challenging.
  2. New Scorestreaks: Two new Scorestreaks have been added: the "V1 Rocket" and the "Mortar Strike".
  3. Balance Changes: Various balance changes have been made to weapons, perks, and Scorestreaks to improve gameplay and competitiveness.

Other Updates:

  1. New Emotes: New emotes have been added to the game, allowing players to express themselves in more creative ways.
  2. Improved Audio: The game's audio has been improved, with enhanced sound effects and music.
  3. Various Bug Fixes: The update also includes several bug fixes and stability improvements to ensure a smoother gaming experience.

Please note that this information may not be up-to-date, as new updates may have been released since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking the official Call of Duty: WWII website or social media channels for the latest information on updates and patches.