Bushiri news today

You're looking for news about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, a South African pastor and founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church. Here are some recent news updates about him:

Latest News:

  1. Court Case: Prophet Bushiri and his wife, Mary, are facing charges of money laundering and fraud in a South African court. The couple has been accused of defrauding their followers of millions of rand. The trial is ongoing.
  2. Church Closure: The ECG church in Pretoria, South Africa, was closed by the authorities in February 2020 due to allegations of non-compliance with building regulations and safety concerns.
  3. International Investigations: The Malawian government has launched an investigation into Prophet Bushiri's alleged involvement in money laundering and other financial crimes. The investigation is ongoing.
  4. Controversy: Prophet Bushiri has been involved in several controversies, including allegations of fake miracles, financial mismanagement, and abuse of power. Some of his followers have accused him of being a false prophet.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "I am not a thief, I am a servant of God. I am not a criminal, I am a prophet." - Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Source: News24)
  2. "We are not afraid of the law. We are not afraid of the government. We are not afraid of anyone." - Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Source: Times Live)

Recent Videos:

  1. Prophet Bushiri's Sermon: Watch a recent sermon by Prophet Bushiri where he speaks about the importance of faith and perseverance. (Source: YouTube)
  2. Prophet Bushiri's Interview: Watch an interview with Prophet Bushiri where he addresses allegations of fraud and money laundering. (Source: YouTube)

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