Burma news channel

Here are some popular news channels from Burma (Myanmar):

  1. MRTV (Myanmar Radio and Television): MRTV is the state-owned television network of Myanmar, broadcasting news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.
  2. DVB (Democratic Voice of Burma): DVB is an independent news organization that provides news and current affairs programming to Myanmar and the international community.
  3. Mizzima News: Mizzima News is a private news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.
  4. Irrawaddy News: Irrawaddy News is an independent news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.
  5. Myanmar Times: The Myanmar Times is an English-language newspaper that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.
  6. 7Day News: 7Day News is a private news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.
  7. Myanmar News Agency (MNA): MNA is the official news agency of the government of Myanmar, providing news and current affairs coverage to the domestic and international media.
  8. Myanmar Now: Myanmar Now is an independent news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.
  9. Khit Thit News: Khit Thit News is a private news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.
  10. Myanmar News International (MNI): MNI is a private news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage to Myanmar and the international community.

Please note that some of these channels may have limited online presence or may be blocked by the government of Myanmar. Additionally, the availability of these channels may vary depending on your location.