Buhari wants capital punishment for kidnappers

You're referring to the recent statement made by President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, where he expressed his support for the reintroduction of capital punishment for kidnappers in the country.

On February 13, 2023, President Buhari spoke at the 2023 National Security Summit in Abuja, where he emphasized the need to tackle the growing menace of kidnapping in Nigeria. He stated that the government is considering reintroducing capital punishment as a deterrent to would-be kidnappers.

According to reports, the President said: "We are considering reintroducing the death penalty for kidnappers. We cannot continue to tolerate this senseless and heinous crime. We will do everything possible to ensure that those who engage in this act are brought to justice and made to face the full weight of the law."

This statement has sparked a lot of debate and discussion in Nigeria, with many people expressing their support for the idea, while others have raised concerns about the potential consequences of reintroducing capital punishment.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think reintroducing capital punishment would be an effective deterrent against kidnapping, or are there other measures that the government should consider to address this problem?