British custom meeting new people

Meeting new people in the UK! Here are some British customs and tips to help you navigate social interactions:

  1. Greetings: When meeting someone for the first time, a firm handshake is the norm. Make eye contact, smile, and use formal titles like "Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr." until you're explicitly told to use their first name.
  2. Small talk: Brits love to chat about the weather, sports, or current events. Keep conversations light and avoid discussing politics or religion, especially in the early stages of getting to know someone.
  3. Formalities: When meeting someone in a professional setting, it's customary to introduce yourself with your title, first name, and last name. For example, "Hello, I'm John Smith, nice to meet you."
  4. Body language: Maintain a comfortable distance (about an arm's length) and avoid direct staring. Keep your hands visible and avoid crossing your arms or legs, which can be perceived as defensive.
  5. Table manners: When dining with new people, remember to:
    • Wait for everyone to be seated before starting to eat.
    • Keep your hands visible on the table, not in your lap.
    • Use your napkin to wipe your mouth, not to blow your nose.
    • Don't start eating until everyone has been served.
  6. Respect for authority: Brits tend to respect authority figures, such as police officers, teachers, or bosses. Show deference by using formal titles and addressing them with respect.
  7. Queueing: Queuing is a national pastime in the UK! Be patient and polite when waiting in line, and avoid cutting in front of others.
  8. Apologizing: Brits are known for their love of apologizing, even when it's not their fault. Don't be afraid to apologize if you accidentally bump into someone or make a mistake.
  9. Directness: Brits value directness and honesty in communication. Avoid beating around the bush or using indirect language.
  10. Sense of humor: Brits love to laugh and have a good sense of humor. Don't be afraid to poke fun at yourself or share a funny story to break the ice.

Some additional tips to keep in mind:

By following these customs and tips, you'll be well on your way to making a great impression and building strong relationships with the British people. Cheers!