Breaking news house website

Here are some breaking news stories from the House website:

Latest News

  1. House Passes Bill to Address Opioid Crisis: The House has passed a bill aimed at addressing the opioid crisis, which includes provisions to increase funding for treatment and recovery programs, improve access to overdose reversal medication, and enhance prescription drug monitoring.
  2. House Approves Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism: The House has approved a resolution condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of hate, following a recent surge in anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric.
  3. House Committee Approves Bill to Strengthen Election Security: The House Committee on Administration has approved a bill aimed at strengthening election security, including provisions to improve cybersecurity, increase funding for election infrastructure, and enhance voter registration processes.

Committee News

  1. House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on Gun Violence: The House Judiciary Committee has held a hearing on gun violence, featuring testimony from experts and advocates on ways to reduce gun violence and improve public safety.
  2. House Energy and Commerce Committee Approves Bill to Lower Prescription Drug Prices: The House Energy and Commerce Committee has approved a bill aimed at lowering prescription drug prices, including provisions to increase transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. House Agriculture Committee Holds Hearing on Farm Bill: The House Agriculture Committee has held a hearing on the farm bill, featuring testimony from farmers, ranchers, and other stakeholders on the importance of the bill and its impact on rural communities.

Member News

  1. Rep. Omar Introduces Bill to Address Climate Change: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has introduced a bill aimed at addressing climate change, including provisions to increase funding for renewable energy, improve energy efficiency, and promote sustainable agriculture practices.
  2. Rep. Gaetz Introduces Bill to Strengthen National Security: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a bill aimed at strengthening national security, including provisions to increase funding for the military, improve border security, and enhance counter-terrorism efforts.
  3. Rep. Pressley Introduces Bill to Address Student Loan Debt: Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) has introduced a bill aimed at addressing student loan debt, including provisions to increase funding for student loan forgiveness programs, improve student loan counseling, and promote affordable higher education options.

Floor Schedule

  1. House to Vote on Bill to Address Opioid Crisis: The House is scheduled to vote on the bill to address the opioid crisis, which includes provisions to increase funding for treatment and recovery programs, improve access to overdose reversal medication, and enhance prescription drug monitoring.
  2. House to Vote on Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism: The House is scheduled to vote on the resolution condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of hate, following a recent surge in anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric.
  3. House to Vote on Bill to Strengthen Election Security: The House is scheduled to vote on the bill to strengthen election security, including provisions to improve cybersecurity, increase funding for election infrastructure, and enhance voter registration processes.

Please note that the news stories and floor schedule are subject to change and may not reflect the most up-to-date information.