Breaking new images

You're referring to breaking news images!

Breaking news images are photographs or videos that capture significant, timely, and often dramatic events as they unfold. These images are typically taken by professional photographers or videographers who are on the scene, and they are often used to illustrate news stories and convey the impact of the event to the public.

Some examples of breaking news images include:

  1. Natural disasters: Images of hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters that are causing widespread damage and disruption.
  2. Political protests: Photos of protests, demonstrations, and rallies that are taking place around the world, often in response to political or social issues.
  3. Celebrity news: Images of celebrities, such as red-carpet arrivals, paparazzi shots, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of movie and TV productions.
  4. Sports events: Photos of major sporting events, such as the Olympics, World Cup, and Super Bowl, as well as images of athletes in action.
  5. Humanitarian crises: Images of refugees, displaced people, and those affected by conflicts, natural disasters, or other crises.

Breaking news images are often used in various ways, including:

  1. News articles: Images are used to illustrate news stories and provide visual context for readers.
  2. Social media: Breaking news images are often shared on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, to quickly disseminate information and engage with the public.
  3. Television and radio: Images are used in news broadcasts to provide visual coverage of breaking news events.
  4. Online news sites: Breaking news images are often featured prominently on online news sites, such as news websites and blogs.

Some of the most iconic breaking news images include:

  1. The Hindenburg disaster (1937): A photo of the German airship crashing to the ground in Lakehurst, New Jersey.
  2. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1963): A photo of Lee Harvey Oswald being led away in handcuffs after being arrested for the murder.
  3. The fall of the Berlin Wall (1989): A photo of people celebrating and climbing on the wall as it comes down.
  4. The 9/11 attacks (2001): A photo of the World Trade Center towers in flames and smoke after being hit by hijacked planes.
  5. The Arab Spring protests (2010-2012): A photo of protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, during the Egyptian Revolution.

These are just a few examples of the many breaking news images that have been captured over the years.