Brand new toyota corolla 2014 model prices

The prices of a brand new Toyota Corolla 2014 model vary depending on the trim level, transmission type, and features. Here are some approximate prices for a brand new Toyota Corolla 2014 model in the United States:

L Trim

LE Trim

S Trim

LE Eco Trim

S Plus Trim

XLE Trim

XLE Premium Trim

Note: These prices do not include destination charges, taxes, and other fees. Additionally, prices may vary depending on the region, dealership, and other factors.

It's worth noting that the 2014 Toyota Corolla was a popular model year, and prices may have fluctuated over time. If you're looking to purchase a brand new 2014 Corolla, I recommend checking with local dealerships or online marketplaces for the most up-to-date pricing information.