Bill maher new rules

"New Rules" is a popular segment on Bill Maher's HBO talk show "Real Time with Bill Maher". In this segment, Bill Maher presents a list of new rules that he thinks should be adopted in society, often with a humorous and satirical tone. The rules are usually presented as a way to address a particular issue or problem, and are often intended to be thought-provoking and entertaining.

Here are some examples of "New Rules" that Bill Maher has presented over the years:

  1. "New Rule: You can't call yourself a 'Christian' if you vote for Trump." (Episode: "April 13, 2018")
  2. "New Rule: If you're going to wear a 'Make America Great Again' hat, you have to wear a 'Make America Not Racist' hat too." (Episode: "June 22, 2018")
  3. "New Rule: If you're going to complain about the price of avocado toast, you have to also complain about the price of healthcare." (Episode: "March 16, 2018")
  4. "New Rule: If you're going to say 'I'm not a scientist', you have to also say 'I'm not a historian', 'I'm not a economist', and 'I'm not a philosopher'." (Episode: "October 27, 2017")
  5. "New Rule: If you're going to use the phrase 'fake news', you have to also use the phrase 'alternative facts'." (Episode: "January 20, 2017")

These are just a few examples of the many "New Rules" that Bill Maher has presented over the years. The segment is a popular part of his show and often sparks lively discussions and debates.