Biafra times latest news

Here are some of the latest news updates from Biafra Times, a popular online news platform that focuses on news and events related to the Biafran people and the struggle for independence:

Breaking News

  1. Nnamdi Kanu's Trial Resumes: The trial of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has resumed at the Federal High Court in Abuja. Kanu is facing charges of treasonable felony and other related offenses. (Source: Biafra Times)
  2. Biafra Independence Day Celebrations: The Biafran people celebrated their independence day on May 30, 2022, with rallies and protests across the world. The celebrations were marked by a call for self-determination and the demand for a sovereign state of Biafra. (Source: Biafra Times)
  3. Nigerian Military Kills 10 IPOB Members: The Nigerian military has reportedly killed 10 members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in a clash in the southeastern state of Imo. The incident has sparked outrage among Biafran activists and human rights groups. (Source: Biafra Times)

Top Stories

  1. Biafra: The Struggle for Self-Determination: This article provides an overview of the Biafran struggle for self-determination and the history of the movement. It also highlights the challenges faced by the Biafran people and the ongoing efforts to achieve independence. (Source: Biafra Times)
  2. Nnamdi Kanu's Message to the Biafran People: In a recent message, Nnamdi Kanu urged the Biafran people to remain resolute in their pursuit of self-determination and to continue to demand their rights. He also called for unity and cooperation among Biafran activists. (Source: Biafra Times)
  3. Biafra: The Economic Benefits of Independence: This article explores the potential economic benefits of Biafran independence, including the creation of new industries, job opportunities, and increased economic growth. (Source: Biafra Times)


  1. The Biafran Struggle is a Fight for Human Rights: In this opinion piece, a Biafran activist argues that the struggle for Biafran independence is a fight for human rights and self-determination. He also highlights the importance of international support for the Biafran cause. (Source: Biafra Times)
  2. Nigeria's Failure to Address Biafran Grievances: This opinion piece criticizes the Nigerian government for its failure to address the grievances of the Biafran people, including the issue of marginalization and discrimination. (Source: Biafra Times)

Please note that the news and opinions presented on Biafra Times may not reflect the views of all Biafran people or organizations.