Best politician in new zealand

A subjective question! Opinions on the best politician in New Zealand can vary depending on personal beliefs, values, and political affiliations. However, here are a few notable politicians in New Zealand who have made significant contributions to the country:

  1. Jacinda Ardern (Labour Party): Prime Minister of New Zealand from 2017 to 2023, Ardern is known for her progressive policies, particularly on climate change, mental health, and social justice. She has been praised for her leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and her commitment to reducing child poverty.
  2. Helen Clark (Labour Party): A former Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1999 to 2008, Clark is a highly respected politician who has made significant contributions to the country's social and economic development. She has been a strong advocate for women's rights, education, and healthcare.
  3. Winston Peters (New Zealand First): A veteran politician with over 40 years of experience, Peters has been a key figure in New Zealand's political landscape. He has served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and has been a strong advocate for New Zealand's interests in the Pacific and Asia.
  4. Andrew Little (Labour Party): A former Labour Party leader and Minister of Justice, Little has been a vocal advocate for social justice and human rights. He has worked tirelessly to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change.
  5. Metiria Turei (Green Party): A former co-leader of the Green Party, Turei has been a champion for social and environmental causes. She has been a strong advocate for issues such as poverty reduction, education, and climate change.
  6. Simon Bridges (National Party): A former Leader of the Opposition and Minister of Transport, Bridges has been a key figure in New Zealand's political landscape. He has been a strong advocate for issues such as infrastructure development, economic growth, and law and order.
  7. Nanaia Mahuta (Labour Party): A former Minister of Local Government and Minister of Maori Development, Mahuta has been a strong advocate for Maori rights and interests. She has worked to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change.
  8. Chris Hipkins (Labour Party): A former Minister of Education and Minister of Health, Hipkins has been a key figure in New Zealand's education and healthcare systems. He has been a strong advocate for issues such as education reform, healthcare funding, and mental health.

These are just a few examples of notable politicians in New Zealand who have made significant contributions to the country. Ultimately, the "best" politician is a matter of personal opinion and depends on one's values and priorities.