Beacon high school at new yuork admission

Beacon High School is a public high school located in Manhattan, New York City. Here's an overview of the admission process:

Admission Requirements:

  1. Residency: Students must be residents of New York City to be eligible for admission to Beacon High School.
  2. Age: Students must be at least 5 years old by December 31st of the year they enter high school.
  3. Grade Level: Beacon High School is a 9-12 school, so students must be entering 9th grade to apply.

Admission Process:

  1. Application: Students must submit an application through the MySchools application portal, which is usually available in October or November of the year before they enter high school.
  2. Screening: The school uses a screening process to evaluate applicants based on their academic performance, attendance, and behavior.
  3. Lottery: If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available seats, a lottery is held to randomly select students.
  4. Interviews: Some students may be selected for an interview with the school's admissions team.

Additional Requirements:

  1. Transcripts: Students must provide official transcripts from their previous school(s).
  2. Standardized Test Scores: Beacon High School does not require standardized test scores, but students may be required to take a placement test in certain subjects.
  3. Recommendations: Students may be required to provide recommendations from teachers or school administrators.

Important Dates:

  1. Application Period: Usually October or November of the year before they enter high school.
  2. Screening and Lottery: Typically takes place in December or January.
  3. Interviews: Scheduled on a rolling basis, usually from January to March.

Contact Information:

Beacon High School 227 W 61st St, New York, NY 10023 Phone: (212) 362-8244 Email: [email protected]

Please note that admission requirements and processes may change, so it's essential to check with the school directly for the most up-to-date information.