Bbnaija 2022 why beauty was issued a strike ilebaye a warning the full gist bbnaija season 7

I think you're referring to the recent drama that unfolded in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 7 house!

For those who may not know, Beauty Tukura, a housemate in the show, was issued a strike by Biggie, the show's host, and was also given a warning. Here's a brief summary of what happened:

The Incident: Beauty and Ilebaye, another housemate, got into a heated argument over a misunderstanding. The argument escalated, and Beauty allegedly pushed Ilebaye, which led to a physical altercation.

The Consequences: Biggie, the show's host, intervened and issued Beauty a strike, which means she would be facing a penalty for her actions. Beauty was also given a warning, stating that any further misconduct would result in her eviction from the show.

The Aftermath: The incident sparked a lot of reactions from fans and viewers, with many calling for Beauty's eviction from the show. However, Beauty has since apologized for her actions and has been trying to make amends with Ilebaye and the other housemates.

The Full Gist: The drama unfolded on Day 34 of the show, and it's been a hot topic of discussion among fans and viewers. The incident has raised questions about the show's rules and consequences for housemates who engage in physical altercations.

What's Next: It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold, but for now, Beauty is still in the house, and fans are eagerly waiting to see how the drama will play out. Will Beauty be able to redeem herself and continue in the competition, or will her actions lead to her eviction? Only time will tell!