Bbnaija 2022 sheggz and doyin fight dirty as multiple fights breaks out in level 1 house

It seems like there's some drama brewing in the Level 1 house of Big Brother Naija 2022!

According to reports, Sheggz and Doyin got into a heated argument that escalated into a physical fight. This wasn't an isolated incident, as multiple fights broke out in the house, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

From what I've gathered, the tension between Sheggz and Doyin started building up over the past few days, with both housemates having differing opinions on various issues. It all came to a head when they got into a heated argument that quickly turned physical.

The fight was reportedly intense, with both housemates shouting at each other and even throwing punches. It's unclear what exactly sparked the fight, but it's clear that emotions were running high.

But that wasn't the only fight that broke out in the house. Other housemates also got involved, with some reports suggesting that there were multiple altercations happening simultaneously.

The drama is still unfolding, and it's unclear how the situation will play out. Will Biggie intervene, or will the housemates be left to work out their differences on their own?

What do you think about the drama unfolding in the Level 1 house? Are you Team Sheggz or Team Doyin? Let me know in the comments!