Bbc news comey

You're looking for news articles from BBC News about James Comey, the former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Here are a few recent articles:

  1. James Comey: Trump's 'lies' and 'dishonesty' led to his firing (May 2017)

In his first public statement since being fired, James Comey accused Donald Trump of lying and being dishonest, saying he was fired because of the Russia investigation.

Source: BBC News

  1. James Comey: Trump asked me to drop Flynn investigation (May 2017)

James Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Donald Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser.

Source: BBC News

  1. James Comey: I was 'honest and truthful' in my testimony (June 2017)

James Comey defended his testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, saying he was "honest and truthful" about his interactions with Donald Trump.

Source: BBC News

  1. James Comey: Trump's tweets are 'lies' and 'dishonesty' (January 2018)

James Comey accused Donald Trump of lying and being dishonest in his tweets, saying they were "lies" and "dishonesty".

Source: BBC News

  1. James Comey: I'm not a 'deep state' operative (April 2018)

James Comey denied being a "deep state" operative, saying he was a public servant who was committed to upholding the law.

Source: BBC News

These are just a few examples of the many news articles about James Comey on BBC News. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!