Bbc news africa sudan

Here are the latest news articles from BBC News Africa related to Sudan:

Latest News

  1. Sudan's PM Hamdok returns to Khartoum after talks with military (BBC News, 11 February 2023) Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has returned to Khartoum after holding talks with the country's military leaders. The meeting was seen as a key step towards resolving the political crisis in Sudan.
  2. Sudan's military and civilians agree to share power (BBC News, 5 February 2023) Sudan's military and civilian leaders have agreed to share power in a transitional government, following talks mediated by the African Union.
  3. Sudan's PM Hamdok detained by military (BBC News, 25 January 2023) Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has been detained by the country's military, in a move that has sparked widespread protests and international condemnation.

Recent Developments

  1. Sudan's political crisis: What's happening and why it matters (BBC News, 27 January 2023) Sudan has been in a state of political crisis since a military coup in October 2021, which ousted the country's civilian government. Here's a summary of what's happening and why it matters.
  2. Sudan's economy in crisis: How did it get here and what's the way forward? (BBC News, 24 January 2023) Sudan's economy has been in crisis for years, with inflation soaring and the value of the Sudanese pound plummeting. Here's a look at how the country got here and what might happen next.
  3. Sudan's human rights record: A history of abuses and impunity (BBC News, 20 January 2023) Sudan has a long history of human rights abuses, including mass killings, rape, and torture. Here's a look at the country's human rights record and why it's so important to address these issues.

In-depth Analysis

  1. Sudan's fragile transition: Can the country avoid another crisis? (BBC News, 17 January 2023) Sudan's transition to democracy has been fragile and uncertain, with the country facing numerous challenges. Here's a look at what's at stake and whether the country can avoid another crisis.
  2. Sudan's economy: Can the country recover from years of crisis? (BBC News, 14 January 2023) Sudan's economy has been in crisis for years, with the country facing a severe shortage of foreign currency and a lack of investment. Here's a look at what's needed to get the economy back on track.
  3. Sudan's human rights: Can the country make progress on abuses? (BBC News, 10 January 2023) Sudan has a long history of human rights abuses, including mass killings, rape, and torture. Here's a look at what's being done to address these issues and whether progress can be made.