Bbc latest news pakistan

Here are the latest news from the BBC about Pakistan:

Top Stories

  1. Pakistan's economy in crisis: Pakistan's currency has hit a record low against the US dollar, amid a severe economic crisis. The country is facing a shortage of foreign exchange reserves, which has led to a surge in prices and a decline in the value of the rupee. (BBC News)
  2. Taliban claim responsibility for Pakistan bombing: The Taliban have claimed responsibility for a bombing in the Pakistani city of Quetta that killed at least 20 people and injured many more. The attack targeted a bus carrying government employees. (BBC News)
  3. Pakistan's Imran Khan faces no-confidence vote: Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan is facing a no-confidence vote in parliament after his government lost a majority in the National Assembly. The vote is seen as a test of his leadership and the stability of the government. (BBC News)

Other News

  1. Pakistan's climate change challenges: Pakistan is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, with rising temperatures and changing weather patterns having a devastating impact on its agriculture, water resources, and infrastructure. (BBC News)
  2. Pakistan's education crisis: Pakistan's education system is facing a crisis, with millions of children out of school and a shortage of teachers and resources. The country's education minister has announced plans to increase funding for education. (BBC News)
  3. Pakistan's cricket team in World Cup semi-finals: Pakistan's cricket team has reached the semi-finals of the ICC Cricket World Cup, where they will face New Zealand. The team has been praised for its performances in the tournament. (BBC Sport)

Recent News

  1. Pakistan's floods affect millions: Heavy flooding in Pakistan has affected millions of people, with many forced to flee their homes and seek shelter in temporary camps. The government has launched a relief effort to help those affected. (BBC News)
  2. Pakistan's economy grows slowly: Pakistan's economy has grown slowly in recent years, with the country facing challenges such as a large trade deficit and a shortage of foreign exchange reserves. (BBC News)
  3. Pakistan's military operation in North Waziristan: The Pakistani military has launched an operation in the North Waziristan region, which is known to be a stronghold of militant groups. The operation is aimed at eliminating militant hideouts and infrastructure. (BBC News)