Barcelona tv news

Here are some popular TV news channels and programs in Barcelona, Spain:

  1. TV3: A public television channel that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs in Catalan and Spanish.
  2. Catalunya Ràdio: A public radio station that also broadcasts TV news programs, including "Notícies" and "El Matí".
  3. La Vanguardia TV: A private TV channel that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs, with a focus on Barcelona and Catalonia.
  4. 8tv: A private TV channel that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs, with a focus on Barcelona and Catalonia.
  5. El Periódico de Catalunya TV: A private TV channel that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs, with a focus on Barcelona and Catalonia.

Some popular TV news programs in Barcelona include:

  1. "Notícies" (TV3): A daily news program that covers local and national news.
  2. "El Matí" (Catalunya Ràdio): A morning news program that covers local and national news.
  3. "La Vanguardia Notícies" (La Vanguardia TV): A daily news program that covers local and national news.
  4. "8tv Notícies" (8tv): A daily news program that covers local and national news.
  5. "El Periódico de Catalunya Notícies" (El Periódico de Catalunya TV): A daily news program that covers local and national news.

You can also find international news channels such as CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera, as well as Spanish national news channels like TVE and Antena 3, in Barcelona.