Balotelli news hull

It seems you're looking for news about Mario Balotelli and his potential move to Hull City!

As of my knowledge cutoff, there haven't been any recent updates or confirmations about Mario Balotelli joining Hull City. However, I can provide some context and previous news related to the topic.

Mario Balotelli, an Italian professional footballer, has had a tumultuous career, playing for several clubs, including Inter Milan, Manchester City, AC Milan, Liverpool, and Nice. In recent years, he has been linked to various clubs, including Hull City, but no official announcements have been made.

In 2019, there were rumors that Balotelli was in talks with Hull City, but nothing materialized. The club's manager at the time, Nigel Adkins, denied the rumors, stating that they were not in discussions with the player.

As of now, it's unclear whether Balotelli will join Hull City or any other club. If you're looking for the latest updates, I recommend checking reputable sports news sources or the official Hull City website for any potential announcements.

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