Bad news for mayweather mcgregor streamers

You're referring to the streamers who were making a living by streaming the highly anticipated boxing match between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Conor McGregor!

It's no secret that the fight was a massive commercial success, with millions of viewers tuning in worldwide. However, the streamers who were relying on the fight to generate revenue might be facing a bit of a challenge.

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Lower viewership: While the fight was a huge success, the viewership numbers might not have been as high as expected. According to reports, the fight drew around 4.3 million pay-per-view buys in the United States, which is lower than some of the other high-profile fights in recent years.
  2. Competition from other streams: The fight was heavily promoted, and many other streamers were also broadcasting the event. This might have split the audience and reduced the number of viewers for individual streamers.
  3. Short-term revenue: The fight was a one-time event, and the revenue generated from it was likely short-term. Streamers who were relying on the fight to generate a steady stream of income might be facing a dry spell now that the event is over.
  4. Increased competition: The fight might have attracted new viewers to the world of streaming, which could lead to increased competition for established streamers. This could make it harder for them to attract and retain viewers in the long run.

However, it's worth noting that the fight was still a massive success, and many streamers likely made a significant amount of money from it. Additionally, the fight might have helped to raise the profile of streaming as a whole, which could lead to more opportunities and growth in the future.

What do you think about the impact of the Mayweather-McGregor fight on streamers?