Attractive weekly news cattoon

Here's a sample attractive weekly news cartoon:

Title: "The Week in Review"

Image: A colorful illustration of a cat sitting at a desk, surrounded by newspapers, pens, and a cup of coffee. The cat is wearing a pair of glasses and a fedora, giving it a sophisticated and witty look.

Caption: "The Week in Review: A Feline Perspective"

Panel 1: "The Good News"

Panel 2: "The Bad News"

Panel 3: "The Weird News"

Panel 4: "The Funny News"

Panel 5: "The Thought-Provoking News"

Panel 6: "The Call to Action"

This is just one example of what an attractive weekly news cartoon could look like. The key is to create a visually appealing image that incorporates humor, wit, and insight into the news of the week.