Atiku and obasanjo news

A topic that's been making headlines in Nigeria recently!

Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and Olusegun Obasanjo, a former President of Nigeria, have been involved in a public spat in recent weeks.

Here's a brief summary of the news:

Background: Obasanjo, a former PDP chairman, had initially endorsed Atiku as his preferred candidate for the 2023 presidential election. However, in a surprise move, Obasanjo later withdrew his support for Atiku and instead endorsed Bola Tinubu, the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The Fallout: Atiku responded to Obasanjo's decision by accusing him of being a "dictator" who was trying to impose his will on the PDP. Atiku also claimed that Obasanjo's actions were a betrayal of the party's values and principles.

Obasanjo's Response: Obasanjo hit back at Atiku, calling him a "liar" and accusing him of being "ungrateful" for the support he had received from him in the past. Obasanjo also claimed that Atiku was not a true democrat and was only interested in power for personal gain.

The Latest: The feud between Atiku and Obasanjo has continued to escalate, with both sides trading barbs and insults in the media. The situation has become so heated that some PDP leaders have called for Obasanjo to be expelled from the party.

What's Next: It's unclear how this feud will play out in the coming weeks, but it's likely to continue to dominate the headlines in Nigeria. The PDP is scheduled to hold its national convention in October, where a new chairman will be elected. It's possible that the feud between Atiku and Obasanjo could have implications for the outcome of that election.

I hope that helps!