Argentina new president

You're referring to the recent presidential election in Argentina!

As of December 2021, the new President of Argentina is Alberto Fernández, who won the presidential election on November 22, 2021. He is a member of the Frente de Todos (Front for All) coalition and succeeded Mauricio Macri, who served as President from 2015 to 2019.

Alberto Fernández, a lawyer and politician, has been a key figure in Argentine politics for many years. He served as the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers under President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner from 2008 to 2015 and was a close advisor to her.

Fernández's campaign focused on issues such as economic recovery, social justice, and foreign policy. He promised to address the country's high poverty rate, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis. He also pledged to strengthen ties with regional partners, including Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay.

Fernández's victory was seen as a significant shift in Argentine politics, as he won with a broad coalition of left-wing and center-left parties. His presidency is expected to bring a new era of economic and social policies, as well as a renewed focus on regional integration and cooperation.

Would you like to know more about Alberto Fernández's policies or the current state of Argentina's economy?