An ode to pepe the og shithouse who warmed up the throne for ramos

Oh Pepe, the OG shithouse, a legend in his own right, Who warmed up the throne for Ramos, with all his might. Your antics on the pitch, a joy to behold, A masterclass in shithousery, a story to be told.

Your ability to wind up opponents, a skill so refined, A true artist of the dark arts, leaving them all behind. You'd dive and you'd roll, and you'd clutch your face, A one-man show, a spectacle, a wondrous place.

Your partnership with Ramos, a duo of delight, Together you'd torment, and bring the house to light. You'd play the villain, the pantomime villain too, A master of the game, with a wink and a "boo".

Your legacy lives on, a shining beacon bright, A reminder of the art, of shithousery in flight. You may have retired, but your legend remains, A hero to some, a villain to others, but all the same.

So here's to you, Pepe, the OG shithouse king, May your name be whispered, in awe and in sing. May your antics be remembered, and your legend grow, For you, Pepe, are a true master, of the shithouse show.