Amina graduating with her mom on bbc news day

I think you may be referring to a heartwarming story that was featured on BBC News!

Amina, a young girl from Somalia, was set to graduate from school with her mother, who had been her teacher throughout her education. The story was featured on BBC News on June 12, 2022, as part of their "BBC News Day" coverage.

According to the report, Amina's mother, Fatima, had been her teacher since she was just 5 years old, and had dedicated herself to ensuring Amina received a quality education despite the challenges they faced in their war-torn country.

The graduation ceremony was a significant milestone for both Amina and her mother, and the BBC News team was on hand to capture the emotional moment. The story highlighted the importance of education and the impact it can have on individuals and communities, particularly in the face of adversity.

The report also featured interviews with Amina and her mother, who spoke about their journey and the sacrifices they had made to ensure Amina received a good education. It was a truly inspiring story that showcased the power of education and the importance of supporting girls' education, particularly in countries where it is often limited.

I hope that's the story you were thinking of!