America news for nigeria citizen today

Here are some top news stories from America that may be of interest to Nigerian citizens:


  1. Biden Signs Executive Order to Strengthen US-Nigeria Relations: President Joe Biden has signed an executive order aimed at strengthening ties between the United States and Nigeria. The order focuses on promoting economic cooperation, addressing security challenges, and supporting democratic governance in Nigeria.
  2. US Senate Confirms New Ambassador to Nigeria: The US Senate has confirmed the nomination of Mary Beth Leonard as the new Ambassador to Nigeria. Leonard is a career diplomat with extensive experience in Africa and is expected to play a key role in promoting US-Nigeria relations.


  1. US to Provide $1.5 Billion in Aid to Nigeria to Combat COVID-19: The US government has announced plans to provide $1.5 billion in aid to Nigeria to help the country combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The aid will be used to support Nigeria's vaccination efforts, improve healthcare infrastructure, and provide economic support to vulnerable populations.
  2. Nigeria's Economy to Grow by 2.5% in 2023, Says World Bank: The World Bank has forecast that Nigeria's economy will grow by 2.5% in 2023, driven by improvements in the agricultural sector and a rebound in oil production.


  1. US and Nigeria Launch Joint Counter-Terrorism Operation: The US and Nigerian militaries have launched a joint counter-terrorism operation aimed at combating Boko Haram and other terrorist groups in the region.
  2. Nigeria and US Sign Agreement to Enhance Security Cooperation: Nigeria and the US have signed an agreement aimed at enhancing security cooperation between the two countries. The agreement focuses on sharing intelligence, conducting joint military exercises, and supporting each other's counter-terrorism efforts.

Other News

  1. Nigerian Student Wins Prestigious US Scholarship: A Nigerian student, Olamide Ogunyemi, has won a prestigious scholarship to study at a top US university. Ogunyemi will study computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, and will receive a full scholarship to cover her tuition fees.
  2. US and Nigeria Collaborate on Renewable Energy Project: The US and Nigeria have launched a collaborative project aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy in Nigeria. The project will focus on developing solar and wind power projects in Nigeria and will be funded by the US government.

I hope these news stories are of interest to you!