Ambazonia news now

Ambazonia is a secessionist movement in Cameroon, and as such, there may be limited and potentially biased reporting on the situation. However, I can provide you with some general information and recent news updates on the conflict.

Background: The Ambazonia movement is a separatist movement that seeks independence for the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, particularly the Northwest and Southwest regions. The movement has been ongoing since 2016, with the goal of creating an independent state called Ambazonia.

Recent News:

  1. Violence and Humanitarian Crisis: The conflict has led to widespread violence, displacement, and humanitarian crisis in the affected regions. According to the United Nations, over 500,000 people have been displaced, and thousands have been killed or injured.
  2. Government Crackdown: The Cameroonian government has responded to the separatist movement with force, leading to allegations of human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings. The government has also imposed a curfew and restricted movement in the affected regions.
  3. International Intervention: The international community has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, with the African Union, the European Union, and the United States urging both sides to engage in dialogue. The United Nations has also deployed a team to the region to assess the humanitarian situation.
  4. Negotiations: In recent months, there have been attempts to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict. In October 2020, the Cameroonian government and the Ambazonia leadership agreed to a ceasefire, but the agreement has been repeatedly violated.
  5. Humanitarian Aid: The conflict has led to a significant humanitarian crisis, with millions of people in need of assistance. International organizations, such as the Red Cross and the United Nations, have been providing aid to affected communities.


  1. BBC News: "Cameroon: Ambazonia separatists 'kill 17 soldiers'"
  2. Al Jazeera: "Cameroon's Anglophone crisis: A timeline"
  3. The Guardian: "Cameroon's Anglophone crisis: 'We are living in a state of terror'"
  4. Human Rights Watch: "Cameroon: Widespread Abuses in Anglophone Crisis"
  5. United Nations: "Cameroon: UN deploys team to assess humanitarian situation"

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the full complexity of the situation.