Aide to warlord kony surrenders as us pulls from mission

I think there may be some misinformation here.

Joseph Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel group that has been responsible for numerous atrocities in central Africa, including the abduction of children and forced conscription of child soldiers. While there have been efforts to capture or negotiate with Kony, he remains at large and has not surrendered.

Additionally, the United States has not pulled out of its mission to support efforts to capture or negotiate with Kony. In fact, the US has been a key partner in the efforts to bring Kony to justice, providing financial and military support to the governments of Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan, as well as to the African Union's Regional Task Force.

It's possible that you may be referring to a specific individual who has surrendered or defected from the LRA, but it is not Joseph Kony himself. If you have any more information or a specific source for this claim, I'd be happy to help clarify.