Active health management new york

Active Health Management (AHM) is a healthcare company that provides population health management services to employers, health plans, and other organizations in New York and beyond. Here are some key services and features of AHM's active health management programs in New York:


  1. Health Risk Assessments (HRAs): AHM conducts HRAs to identify employees' health risks and provide personalized recommendations for improvement.
  2. Wellness Programs: AHM offers a range of wellness programs, including fitness classes, nutrition counseling, stress management, and smoking cessation.
  3. Chronic Disease Management: AHM provides care coordination and disease management services for employees with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.
  4. Mental Health Support: AHM offers mental health resources, including counseling and stress management programs.
  5. Health Coaching: AHM's health coaches work with employees to set and achieve health goals, provide education on healthy behaviors, and offer support and motivation.


  1. Personalized Health Plans: AHM creates personalized health plans for each employee, outlining their health goals and strategies for achieving them.
  2. Real-time Data Analytics: AHM's data analytics platform provides real-time insights into employee health trends, allowing employers to make data-driven decisions about their wellness programs.
  3. Integration with Employer Benefits: AHM's programs are designed to integrate seamlessly with employer benefits, including health insurance, employee assistance programs (EAPs), and other wellness initiatives.
  4. Mobile App: AHM's mobile app allows employees to track their progress, access wellness resources, and communicate with health coaches and other AHM staff.
  5. Partnerships with Local Providers: AHM partners with local healthcare providers to offer employees access to high-quality, affordable care.


  1. Improved Employee Health: AHM's programs help employees adopt healthy behaviors, manage chronic conditions, and reduce their risk of chronic disease.
  2. Increased Productivity: By improving employee health and well-being, AHM's programs can help reduce absenteeism and presenteeism, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
  3. Cost Savings: AHM's programs can help reduce healthcare costs by reducing the number of preventable hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and other costly healthcare events.
  4. Enhanced Employer Brand: By offering a comprehensive wellness program, employers can enhance their reputation and attract top talent.


AHM has offices in New York City and Albany, New York, and serves clients across the state, including employers in the healthcare, finance, technology, and manufacturing industries.

Contact Information:

To learn more about Active Health Management's services and programs in New York, please contact:

Active Health Management [email protected] (212) 244-4444

I hope this information is helpful!