A global challenge new england journal of medicine 2012

You're referring to the article "A Global Challenge: The Need for a New Approach to Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention" published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in 2012.

Here's a brief summary:

The article, written by Dr. Richard J. Hayes and colleagues, highlights the importance of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) as a key strategy in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. The authors argue that VMMC has been shown to be an effective method in reducing the transmission of HIV from women to men, and that it has the potential to significantly reduce the spread of HIV in high-prevalence countries.

The article discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with scaling up VMMC programs, including:

  1. Increasing access to VMMC services, particularly in rural and hard-to-reach areas.
  2. Improving the quality of VMMC services, including the training of healthcare providers and the use of sterile equipment.
  3. Addressing the social and cultural barriers that may prevent men from seeking VMMC services.
  4. Integrating VMMC into existing healthcare systems and programs, such as antenatal care and family planning services.

The authors also highlight the need for a new approach to VMMC, one that is tailored to the specific needs and contexts of different countries and communities. They emphasize the importance of community engagement, social marketing, and behavior change communication in promoting VMMC and increasing its uptake.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the importance of VMMC in the global response to HIV/AIDS and highlights the need for a coordinated and sustained effort to scale up VMMC programs and reduce the spread of HIV.