4 types of news

Here are 4 common types of news:

  1. Hard News: This type of news reports on factual, objective information about current events, such as politics, economics, crime, and disasters. Hard news is typically written in a formal and objective tone, and is often considered the most important type of news.
  2. Soft News: Soft news, also known as feature news, focuses on human-interest stories, entertainment, and lifestyle topics. This type of news is often more subjective and may include opinion pieces, profiles, and human-interest stories.
  3. Breaking News: Breaking news refers to sudden, unexpected events that are reported as they happen. This type of news is often urgent and requires immediate attention, such as reports of natural disasters, accidents, or major crimes.
  4. Analysis/Commentary News: This type of news provides in-depth analysis and commentary on current events, often from a particular perspective or point of view. Analysis/news commentary may include opinion pieces, editorials, and analysis of news events from a specific angle.

These categories are not mutually exclusive, and many news stories may overlap between categories.