30000 new minimum wage table

Here is a table showing the minimum wage for 30,000 employees in various countries:

Country Minimum Wage (USD) Minimum Wage (Local Currency)
Australia 15.96 AUD 25.41
Austria 12.45 EUR 12.45
Belgium 12.45 EUR 12.45
Brazil 1.15 BRL 5.57
Canada 12.55 CAD 16.65
China 2.35 CNY 15.65
France 12.45 EUR 12.45
Germany 12.45 EUR 12.45
India 0.45 INR 31.50
Italy 12.45 EUR 12.45
Japan 8.30 JPY 1,030
Mexico 2.65 MXN 54.30
Netherlands 12.45 EUR 12.45
New Zealand 15.96 NZD 21.20
Norway 12.45 NOK 123.50
Poland 2.65 PLN 11.50
Russia 2.35 RUB 1,430
South Africa 3.55 ZAR 55.50
South Korea 8.30 KRW 9,620
Spain 12.45 EUR 12.45
Sweden 12.45 SEK 123.50
Switzerland 12.45 CHF 12.45
United Kingdom 12.55 GBP 10.50
United States 12.55 USD 12.55

Note: The exchange rates used are approximate and may vary depending on the current exchange rate.

Also, please note that the minimum wage rates are subject to change and may not reflect the current minimum wage rates in each country.